Yts Ululation

Publicerad 2019-05-13 03:21:07 i Allmänt,

Yts Ululation


Genres=Documentary runtime=12 M 2018. The girl in the blue jumper did a very good ulutation btw.


Gracias! I have a full upper denture, and was not sure I could ever do it, but I am finally able to trill rs thanks to your examples and demonstrations. That is amazing. This is my first time to try how to pronounce this sound R and I saw your video and I've almost got it! I succeed pronounce a couple of sounds just following your demonstration with lying down position; it's really much easier to get to against the gravity and make this sound successfully. Bravo.

Lol some of these south asian people can understand too. Nice battlefield 1 gameplay man. Amm... ok so i make one small gramatical error and you think thats a reason to call me a moron. i don't critizise your spelling. hell do you even know a second or third language.


I kinda thought it was way queer




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